Support the CCWH Mission & Community

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To donate by check, please mail your donation in U.S. funds to the CCWH Executive Director:

Elizabeth Everton
CCWH Executive Director
3118 Chaucer Drive
Charlotte, NC 28210 

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Donations by CCWH members and other patrons support CCWH awards and initiatives.

To make a one-time or recurring monthly donation by credit or debit card, please fill out a secure online Donation Form. You can earmark your donation to support a specific initiative or direct it towards ongoing programs and awards.  

Support our Awards & Programs


You may request that your donation go to a specific award or that it be used where most needed.

The Coordinating Council on Women in History is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. (EIN – 48-1071194) All award donations are tax-deductible.

Your Donation Supports CCWH Awards & Initiatives

where your money goes

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Join us in broadening both the organization of women historians and the study of women’s history...

You can earmark your donation to support CCWH awards or costs associated with member programming and outreach, including workshops and speakers.

Our newest award, the Rachel Fuchs Award, celebrates outstanding work in professional service and mentorship. This award was instituted in 2018.

The Prelinger Award turns 25 this year! This prize provides support for a doctoral student or PhD following a non-traditional path.