The CCWH Nupur Chaudhuri Article Prize is an annual $1000 prize that recognizes the best first article published in the field of history by a CCWH member.
Named to honor long-time CCWH board member and former executive director and co-president from 1995-1998 Nupur Chaudhuri, the article must be published in a refereed journal in one of the two years preceding the prize year. An article may only be submitted once. All fields of history will be considered, and articles must be submitted with full scholarly apparatus.
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Jiya Pandya, “Crip Life Amidst Debilitation: Medicalization, Survival, and the Bhopal Gas Leak,” Disability Studies Quarterly
Honorable Mention: Hayley Negrin “Cockacoeske’s Rebellion: Nathaniel Bacon, Indigenous Slavery, and Sovereignty in Early Virginia,” William and Mary Quarterly
Sandy Chang, “Intimate Itinerancy: Sex, Work, and Chinese Women in Colonial Malaya’s Brothel Economy, 1870s-1930s,” Journal of Women’s History.
Julia Ornelas-Higdon (California State University Channel Islands), “Agricultural Citizenship and the German Winemakers of Los Angeles County, 1853-1891,” Pacific Historical Review 89, issue 4 (Fall 2020): 465-499.
Danielle Beaujon, “Policing Colonial Migrants: The Brigade Nord-Africaine in Paris, 1923-1944,” French Historical Studies 42, no. 4, (2019): 655-680.
Honorable Mention: Giuliana Perrone, “‘Back into the Days of Slavery’: Freedom, Citizenship, the Black Family in the Reconstruction-Era Courtroom,” Law and History Review 37 (1): 125-161.
Lauren Duval, “Mastering Charleston: Property and Patriarchy in British-Occupied Charleston, 1780–82,” The William and Mary Quarterly 75, no. 4 (2018): 589-622.
Honorable Mention: Adriana Chira, “Affective Debts: Manumission by Grace and the Making of Gradual Emancipation Laws in Cuba, 1820s-1860s,” Law and History 36, no. 1 (2018): 1-33.
Alexandra Finley, Assistant Professor of History, Mississippi State University
“‘Cash to Corinna’: Domestic Labor and Sexual Economy in the ‘Fancy Trade’,” Journal of American History (September 2017), 410-430.
Honorable Mention, Katherine Smoak, University of Birmingham, Department of History, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow
“The Weight of Necessity: Counterfeit Coins in the British Atlantic World,” William and Mary Quarterly (July 2017):, 467-502.
Alix Genter, “Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Butch-Femme Fashion and Queer Legibility in New York City, 1945–1969,” Feminist Studies 42, no. 3 (2016): 604-31.
Kate Imy, “Queering the Martial Races: Masculinity, Sex and Circumcision in the Twentieth-Century British Indian Army,” Gender and History, 27, no. 2 (August 2015): 374–396.
Felicity Turner, “Rights and Ambiguities of the Law: Infanticide in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. South,” The Journal of the Civil War Era 4, no. 3 (September 2014): 350-372.
Catherine Christensen, “Mujeres Publicas: American Prostitutes in Baja California, 1910-30,” Pacific Historical Review 82, no. 2 (May 2013): 215-247.
Yuko Miki, “Fleeing into Slavery: The Insurgent Geographies of Brazilian Quilombolas (Maroons), 1880-1881,” The Americas 68, no. 4 (April 2012): 495-528.
Monica D. Fitzgerald, “Fornicators, Drunkards, and a Great Hen Squabble: Censuring Practices and the Gendering of Puritanism,” Church History: A Study in Christianity and Culture 80. no. 1 (March 2011): 40-75.
Deborah Dinner, “The Universal Childcare Debate: Rights Mobilization, Social Policy, and the Dynamics of Feminist Activism, 1966-1974,” Law and History Review 28, no. 3 (August 2010): 577-628.
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